Quick Bill/Check
The Quick Bill/Check form serves the purpose of simultaneously entering a Vendor bill and payment record. It provides the option to print a check or not. This form streamlines the tasks of entering a Voucher and processing a payment by consolidating them into a single screen.
Due to the combination of two separate records in the form, it is currently not feasible to save future transactions or view them in a grid format. Once the form is completed, the bill will be stored in the Vouchers section, while the associated payment will be stored in Check Maintenance.
Β Access select check from the Expense options.

Gravity supports multi-entity processing. When using multi-entity, be sure that you're processing the transaction in the correct entity.
The Quick Bill/Check form does not support the following features (if needed you should use the Voucher Entry form)
- Purchase Order matching
- Credit Memos
- Negative line items
- Recurring Bills
- Line Item Quantities and Rates

Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select a vendor. Selecting a vendor retrieves the vendorβs defaults.
The vendor name of the vendor selected.
Enter a document number to track the voucher back to the vendor's source document. A warning is generated if the same document number is entered more than once for a vendor.
The warning helps identify if the vendor document has already been entered.
Enter the vendor invoice date. This invoice date combined with the vendor's terms calculate the due date and discount date.
Use the apply date to determine the accounting period to which the transaction applies based on the fiscal periods set up for the company.
For example, an apply date of 4/19/2019 applies the transaction in the calendar period of April if calendar periods are selected in system set up.
With the applicable user permissions assigned, the user can apply transactions to past and future periods. Use the calendar function to navigate and select the correct period and date.
The amount is calculated from the vendor terms code when applicable.
Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header defined dimensions are automatically copied to line items.
Specify dimensions in the header if most or all of the line items will have the same dimension codes.
SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ
The remit to address defaults from the vendor record. Change on the voucher when needed.
The 1099 box defaults from the vendor record. Change the voucher 1099 box when required.
The 1099 amount defaults from the invoice amount in the voucher header. Change the amount if required, to reflect the amount to be reported on the 1099.
Vendor terms default from the vendor record. It can be changed on each voucher. Terms codes drive the calculation of the voucher due date, discount date and discount amount.
The due date automatically calculates from the invoice date and vendor terms combination. Change the due date if needed. The discount date can be used in helping to select checks for payment.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β
The discount date calculates automatically from the invoice date and vendor terms combination.Β
The date the voucher record was created and defaults to the header's entry date.
Select the bank account to be used to record the Vendor payment
Select Manual if you do not want a check printed. Select Automatic to print a Check
If Manual is selected for the Check Type then you can fill in the payment or check ID.
A memo to the payment can be entered in the Check Memo area. If you are using the Automatic Check Type to print a payment, it will be printed in the lower left corner of the payment.

This field only displays if multi-entity has been enabled. Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select the entity code related to the entity or fund to post the line it to.
Note:Β The line's account number is validated against the COA for the selected entity code.
SeeΒ Multiple Entitiesο»Ώο»Ώ
Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select a GL account number. Part of an account number or account name can be entered for fast lookup.
Enter a description to identify the line item on reports.
The amount automatically calculates (quantity x rate). Enter an amount for the line item without a quantity and rate when needed.
Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header dimensions are automatically copied to line items. Change the line item dimensions as needed.
Β Dimension rules determine if dimensions are required or optional for each line item.
SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ