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Creating or Editing a Voucher

Utilize the voucher entry function to accurately document bills and credits received from vendors. Access the voucher entry screen to input, modify, or finalize vouchers and credits. Alternatively, make edits or finalize vouchers directly from the voucher entry grid.

Additionally an individual check can be printed from the action menu for posted vouchers.

To access the voucher function, navigate to the Expense options.

Creating or editing a voucher in Gravity

Selecting the Vouchers option opens the unposted vouchers grid. Use the grid to view a list of all unposted vouchers. Use the screen's drop down feature to display a list of voucher grid screen views.

Header Fields

Tip:Β To match PO's and/or PO receipts you must first select the vendor and then use the "Select PO" action to find and select PO's and PO receipts that are being matched on this document.

Selecting Purchase Order action in Gravity

Transaction Mode

To enter vendor invoices, select "Bill". For negative adjustments, such as a vendor credit memo, select "Credit". By selecting "Credit", you can apply the credit to a previous bill using the apply to field. Please note that when entering a credit, the amounts should be entered as positive values. Gravity recognizes that a credit is the opposite of a bill.

Vendor IDΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select a vendor. Selecting a vendor retrieves the vendor’s defaults. The Vendor ID field will display the Vendor ID and Name together making it easier to search by either element.

Vendor NameΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Gravity displays the name of the selected Vendor

Document Number

Enter a document number to track the voucher back to the vendor's source document. Gravity can be configured to generate a warning or an error if the same document number is entered more than once for a vendor. See Entity Configurationsο»Ώ.

Β The warning helps identify if the vendor document has already been entered.

Invoice Amount

Enter the total vendor invoice or adjustment amount. This amount must agree to the voucher line items total.Β 

Invoice Date

Enter the vendor invoice date. This invoice date combined with the vendor's terms calculate the due date and discount date.

Apply Date

Use the apply date to determine the accounting period to which the transaction applies based on the fiscal periods set up for the company.

For example, an apply date of 4/19/2023 applies the transaction in the calendar period of April if calendar periods are selected in system set up.

Discount Amount

The amount is calculated from the vendor terms code when applicable.

Β Recurring Code

Enter a Recurring Code if you want this transaction to recur on a given cycle, such as monthly. Recurring transactions are recreated in an unposted state so they can be edited before posting.

SeeΒ Recurring Transactionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Remit To

The remit to address defaults from the vendor record. Change on the voucher when needed.

The remit to address is printed on the vendors check. If a vendor has checks selected with different remit to addresses each check is printed separately.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header defined dimensions are automatically copied to line items.

Dimensions in the Header are based on options set on the Vendor Record. Specify dimensions in the header if most or all of the line items will have the same dimension codes.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Default Values

The Default Values tab shows fields that usually default from the Vendor record. These fields can be edited.

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Default site

A vendor can be assigned to a warehouse or location site. The Default site is used when selecting Inventory Items.


Vendor terms default from the vendor record. It can be changed on each voucher. Terms codes drive the calculation of the voucher due date, discount date and discount amount.

1099 Box

The 1099 box defaults from the vendor record. Change the voucher 1099 box when required.

1099 Amount

The 1099 amount defaults from the invoice amount in the voucher header. Change the amount if required, to reflect the amount to be reported on the 1099.

Β Due Date

The due date automatically calculates from the invoice date and vendor terms combination. Change the due date if needed. The Due Date can be used in helping to select checks for payment.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Discount Date

The discount date calculates automatically from the invoice date and vendor terms combination.Β 

Β Entry Date

The date the voucher record was created and defaults to the header's entry date.

Β One Voucher per Check

The flag to only allow one voucher to be added to a payment is configured on the Vendor and is carried over to each Voucher where it can be overwritten.

When selected only one voucher will be printed on each payment. If there are 2 or more Vouchers they will be separated into individual payments.

Β Non-Inventory Lines Fields

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Select PO

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Use this action to open the Purchase Order matching screen. From the screen you can select individual lines on one or more Purchase Orders for the Vendor specified on the Voucher. You can optionally select a specific Inventory Site to filter the lines.


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Use the Allocate button to allocate all or a portion of the Voucher amount with a predefined Allocation Group. Allocation groups will define the allocation percentages across Entities, Accounts and Dimensions. See Allocation Groupsο»Ώο»Ώ

Grid Fields

Entity Code

Gravity has the capability to allocate the cost of a single Voucher to one or multiple Entities. Please choose the Entity to which the line amount should be distributed.

This field only displays if multi-entity has been enabled. Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select the entity code related to the entity or fund to post the line it to.

Note:Β The line's account number is validated against the COA for the selected entity code.

SeeΒ Multiple Entitiesο»Ώο»Ώ

Purchase Order

Displays the PO Number of the line selected from the Select PO line.

Account Number

Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select a GL account number.

Part of an account number or account name can be entered for fast lookup.

Line Description

Enter a description to identify the line item on reports.

Β Quantity

Enter the quantity for the selected line item. This field is optional.


Enter the rate per item being vouchered. This field is optional.


The Amount can be entered directly without specifying a Quantity and a Rate, or it can be calculated based on the given Quantity and Rate.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header dimensions are automatically copied to line items. Change the line item dimensions as needed.

Dimension rules determine if dimensions are required or optional for each line item.

See Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Inventory Lines FieldsΒ 

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Action Buttons

Select PO

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Use this action to open the Purchase Order matching screen. From the screen you can select individual lines on one or more Purchase Orders for the Vendor specified on the Voucher. You can optionally select a specific Inventory Site to filter the lines.

Purchase Order

Displays the PO Number of the line selected from the Select PO line.

Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select the correct PO.

Item Master

Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select an inventory item number.

Line Description

The selected item's description defaults into the line description field. Change the Item description as required. Enter up to 2000 characters in the description field.

Site ID

This field defaults to the default site set in entity configuration. Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select the site required.


Use the in-line search capability or the field's drop-down search box to select the UOM required.

The field defaults to the default UOM assigned to the item.

Note you can only select the UOM's assigned to the specific item or where UOM conversions have been defined.


The quantity received is the quantity posted to the defined site's inventory location record.

The quantity received x rate determines the line amount posted to the GL.


Enter the rate for the Inventory item. The rate will default from either the last time the items was purchased or the weighted average cost. This is selected in the Entity Configuration. See Entity Configurationsο»Ώο»Ώ

If the field comes from a selected Purchase Order the field defaults to the PO line item rate.

Tip:Β If the rate is edited on received PO receipts items, the calculated amount difference is posted to the purchase price variance GL account identified in the entity configuration.


The amount is automatically calculated (quantity x rate).

Tax Schedule

The line tax schedule field only shows if the Entity has VAT tax enabled in the Entity Configuration. This field defaults to the vendors tax schedule set up in the vendor record. See Entity Configurationsο»Ώο»Ώ

Β Dimensions

Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header dimensions defined automatically copy to line items. Change the line dimensions as required.

Dimension rules determine if dimensions are required or optional on each line.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Related Transaction History

The Related Transaction History tab will show how transactions were applied. For example if the Voucher was paid by 2 separate payments, the Related Transaction History will show all Voucher and both payments. This can be helpful in determining how transactions have been settled. This tab is driven from the AP Aging records.

Activities and Notes

Use the Activity and Notes tab to attach documents like PDFs and to enter detailed notes and activities related to the document. Multiple documents, notes and activities can be attached.

Tax on Purchases

If an entity's configuration indicates that VAT is applicable, tax calculations will be enabled on vouchers. Gravity supports two types of tax calculations:

  • Exclusive tax calculations where the tax amount is added seperatly to the bottom of a Vendor's bill.
  • Inclusive tax calculations where the vendors bill includes the taxes in the item amounts and the taxes must be imputed from the invoice total.


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See Tax Schedulesο»Ώ for setting up tax authorities and tax rates.