The Gravity platform enables users to seamlessly navigate the entire procurement to payment process with vendors. Gravity offers a comprehensive 3-way matching system, ensuring alignment between purchase orders, receiving records, and vouchers. Additionally, it provides a streamlined 2-way matching feature for purchase orders and vouchers specifically designed for non-inventory items.
- Enter and Release Purchase Order
- Non-Inventory Items may be flagged for receiving
- Inventory items must be received.
- Create PO Receipt
- Matching line items from Purchase Order
- Post PO Receipt
- Create Voucher
- Match Purchase Order & PO Receipt
- Post Voucher
- Select Checks is used to batch a group of bills for payment
- Check Maintenance can be used to create one payment record
Vendor credits an be applied in three places inside of Gravity.
- When a Voucher is created as a Type credit it can be applied to an open bill from the Voucher screen. See Vouchers
- When a Select Check Batch or Check Maintenance record is created. a credit can be applied at that time. See Select Payments
- Using Apply To Maintenance an unapplied Credit or Payment may be applied to open, posted bills. See Apply To Maintainence
GL account note- GL accounts can be entered or use the field search capability and/or the drop-down search box to select an account.
Define the default GL account for accounts payable.
Define the default GL accounts used for discounts and write offs during check selection.
Define the default GL account where system will post purchase order receipts before the appropriate vendor bill is received.
Define the GL accounts used for miscellaneous and freight fields entered during voucher entry.
Define the default GL Account used for posting VAT taxes calculated during purchasing.
This account can be overwritten by the account entered on the tax authority.
During the PO receiving function choose to allow product costs to edited, shown or hidden.
Allows only the selection of approved inventory items for a vendor based on having an vendor cost record established for the vendor and item combination.
By default Gravity limits items to be purchased on the Inventory grid to Inventory Type Sales & Materials. Setting this to Yes allows Inventory Type Other to be purchased in the Inventory Grid
Select the format that renders your check the best based on the printer in use.
See Printed Check Formats
During voucher entry this option requires a document number be entered on each voucher.
Select the option to notify the user if a document number has been previously used for the selected vendor on the Voucher Form. Options are Warning or Error.
Enter the bank account used when creating checks. This account can be overwritten during the payment process.
Gravity can use a simplistic built in email process to send Purchase Order confirmations or a Power Automate workflow. The Power Automate workflow can be customized to allow for different messaging and conditions. Set to Yes to use the Power Automate Workflow.
Simplistic email messaging is maintained under the System Settings->Communications area. The Power Automate workflow is managed under the Power Apps portal.
Gravity can use a simplistic built in email process to send Vendor Remittance notifications or a Power Automate workflow. The Power Automate workflow can be customized to allow for different messaging and conditions. Set to Yes to use the Power Automate Workflow.
Simplistic email messaging is maintained under the System Settings->Communications area. The Power Automate workflow is managed under the Power Apps portal.
Note: The email address under the Vouchers Remit To address is used to send the remittance notifications.
If set to Yes, a Purchase Order can only be printed after it has been released. If set to No a Purchase Order can be printed at any time after it has been saved.
If set to Yes the default behavior on Purchase Order Non-Inventory lines will be Receiving Required. This means that the lines on the Purchase Order must go through a receiving function. If Set to No, the flag will not be set on the line and must be manually turned on.
On the Voucher Entry lines you can show the Quantity and Rate fields or only show the Amount field for simpler data entry.
A Purchase Order can be closed when the Quantity Ordered is received or when the value of the Purchase Order is received. Options:
- Quantity (Null) - when the quantity ordered on all Purchase Order lines have been received/Vouchered the Purchase Order will automatically close.
- Dollars- When the value of the Purchase Order has been Received/Vouchered with in a tolerance that can be set the Purchase Order will automatically close.
- Example a Purchase Order for $1000 with a 10% Tolerance will automatically close if $900 or more has been received/Vouchered.
Checks printed under the Select Checks can be Ordered by the Vendor Name or Voucher ID.