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Purchase Order

Purchase orders (PO) are used to initiate and confirm the purchase of goods or services from a vendor. Use the PO screen to enter, edit or release PO's.Β After a PO is released it can be changed or canceled.

Use purchase orders for both inventory and non-inventory items. The user can flag non-inventory items to require a receiving transaction.

Β Gravity supports both a 2-way and a 3-way match.

  • Use 2-way match for goods and services not requiring a receiving transaction. A PO is matched directly to the vendor invoice.
  • Use 3-way match for inventory items and non-inventory items flagged for receiving. A PO is matched to a PO receipt. The PO receipt is matched to a vendor invoice.

Access the PO function from expense, purchasing options.

How to navigate to Purchase Orders in Gravity


Process Steps

Preparing Purchases Orders

How to prepare purchase order in Gravity

Changing Purchase Orders

How change purchase orders in Gravity

Canceling Purchase Orders

A released PO can be canceled. Canceling a PO inactivates it and removes any PO quantities with the related inventory items.


Purchase Order Summary screen in Gravity

Vendor IDΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Select a vendor. Use the in-line search capability or the drop-down search box. Selecting a vendor retrieves the vendor’s defaults.

Vendor NameΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

The vendor name displays confirming the vendor selection.

Purchase Order Date

Enter the PO date.

Shipping Method

Select the PO shipping method. Use the in-line search capability or the drop-down search box to select a shipping method. Add new shipping methods from the selection window or in system setup.

Revision Number

The revision number tracks PO changes to the original PO. When a PO is initially created it has revision number "0". After it is released, a PO change creates an editable PO and increments the release number.


Use the text field for documenting instructions or information that can be optionally printed on a PO.

Vendor Address

The vendor address defaults the vendor purchase from address. It can be changed for each PO.

Ship To Address

The ship to address displays the default inventory site address. Selecting EDIT allows the address to be changed allowing shipment to alternative locations.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Dimensions defined on the header are automatically copied to line items. Use header dimensions if most or all of the line items will have the same dimension codes.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ


Total summary screen in Gravity

Discount, freight and miscellaneous charges can be added to the PO. An amount entered in the discount field is subtracted from the subtotal.

Β Default Fields

Default purchase order fields in Gravity

Required Date

Use the required date to define the PO required by date. Assign a required date uniquely to each line item.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Promise Date

Use the promise date to define the delivery date promised by the vendor. Assign a promise date to each line item.Β Β 

Requested Date

Use the requested date to define the date the items on the PO are requested to be delivered. Assign a requested date to each line item.Β 


Vendor terms default from the vendor record. Terms can be changed on each PO. Term codes drive the calculation of the voucher due date, discount date and discount amount.


Use the field's drop down list to select the buyer responsible for the PO. Buyer information can be optionally printed on the PO. The buyer name defaults to the current user.

Non-Inventory Lines

Non-inventory lines items in Gravity

Line Description

Enter a description to identify the printed PO line item. Enter up to 2000 characters in the description.


Enter the quantity purchased.


Enter the rate per item for the purchase.


The amount automatically calculates (quantity x rate). Enter an amount for the line item without a quantity and rate when needed.

Receiving Required

By default, non-Inventory line items do not require receiving. This is useful for services when no physical product is delivered.Β Receiving can be required by checking the receiving required box. When used, the selected lines cannot be matched to vouchers until they have been received.Β 

Required Date

Use the required date to define the date the line items required to be delivered.

Promise Date

Use the promise date to define the date the line items are promised by the vendor to be delivered.

Account Number

An account number is required if the item is selected for receiving. This account is debited when the items are received or the voucher is matched and posted.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Dimensions defined on the header are automatically copied to line items.

Dimension rules determine if dimensions are required or optional on each line item.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Inventory Lines

Inventory Lines in Gravity

Item Master

Enter the inventory item number or name to select the item to be purchased. Use the in-line search capability or the drop-down search box as required.

Line Description

The item description for the selected item defaults into the line description field. The Item description can be changed specifically for a PO when required. Enter up to 2000 characters in the description.

Vendor Item Description

Optionally enter a vendor description that uniquely identifies the item to the Vendor. GravityΒ stores the vendor item description for future purchases. Enter up to 2000 characters in the description.

Site ID

Enter the site ID for which you are purchasing the items. This field defaults to the default site in the entity configuration.


Enter the UOM for the item. Note that you can only enter UOM assigned to the specific item or where conversions have been set. Use the in-line search capability or the drop-down search box as required.

Quantity Order

Enter the quantity purchased.

Quantity Remaining

This defaults to the quantity ordered on a new line item. This field is system maintained and cannot be edited. It represents the quantity remaining to be received on a PO.


Enter the rate per item. The rate can default from the last rate used for purchasing the item or from a vendor specific rate based on a flag set in entity configuration. Gravity stores the last rate used for the item and vendor combination.


The amount automatically calculates (quantity x rate). Enter an amount for the line item without a quantity and rate if required.

Required Date

Use the required date to define the items delivery date.

Promise Date

Use the promise date to define when the items are promised to be delivered by the vendor.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Dimensions defined on the header are automatically copied to line items. Change line item dimensions as required.

Dimension rules will determine if dimensions are required or optional on each line item.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ