Printing Templates
For the generation of Invoices, Order Confirmations and Purchase Orders; Gravity uses Microsoft Word templates to design the form layout, colors and fonts.
Users can create default print templates when the initialize the first record for each document type.
- Print Templates are unique to each entity. This way each entity can have personalized formats.
- An Entity can have more than one version of a selected document. For example multiple Invoice formats can be created for different types of customers.
Use these controls to download existing templates or upload new templates .
Enter a name for the Template
Select the type of Transaction the template will be user for:
- Invoice
- Order Entry
- Purchase Order
Enter a description for the Template
- Use Tables in Word to align fields and maintain their appropriate position on the form.
- Embedded fields can be adjusted with font and color controls
- Embedded field can be aligned in table cells using the standard Word alignment.
- Logos can be embedded in the document using a table cell.
- Use Word controls to hide or show gridlines
Each template maintains the Gravity schema in it when it was created. When custom fields are added to form a new Word templated must be created to enable the updated schema. the process is:
- Open a record in the form you want to create the template for.
- On the form menu select Word Templates->Download Template
Select the types of records that you want linked to the original form. On the Invoice the default records would be:
- Invoice
- 1:N
- Invoice Lines
- N:1
- Customer
- Customer Bill to Address
- Customer Ship To Address
- Entity Configuration
Download the template and the new fields will be included. To transfer and existing template layout:
- Select all the fields in the original template
- Copy all the fields
- Paste the fields into the new template
- The new template will have the original layout ply=us the schema of the new fields.
Note: Do not upload the new template to the form. It must be uploaded under the Printing Templates option.