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Use the invoice entry screen to enter, edit, print or post Invoices and credits.Β Alternatively, edit, print or post Invoices entries from the invoice entry grid display.

An individual invoice can be printed from the action menu or a group of invoices printed from the invoice grid.

Access the invoice function from the financials, revenue options.

How to access Invoices in Gravity

Process Steps

After reviewing and posted invoice, utilize the optional "Select Invoice Print" feature from the action menu. Then, choose between email or print preferences.

Document image


Invoice Summary Screen in Gravity

Transaction Mode

The transaction mode defines the transaction type created and how it is handled in Gravity. Transaction mode options include:

  • Pro-Forma - This represents a customer invoice which cannot be posted until the mode is changed to Invoice.
  • Invoice - This represents a standard customer invoice. All actions are available.
  • Credit - This represents the opposite of an Invoice and creates a negative receivable amount on a customer's account when posted.
  • Item Return - Similar to a credit this mode represents the opposite of an invoice. When a customer is selected the user has the option of referencing an existing posted invoice to ensure the proper amount is credited.

Customer IDΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Use this field to select a customer. Use the field's in-line search capability or the drop-down search box. Selecting a customer retrieves the customer's defaults.

Customer NameΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Customer name displays confirming the customer selection.

Invoice Date

The invoice date defaults to the current date. Invoice date combined with customer terms calculates the due date and discount date.

Apply Date

Use the apply date to determine the accounting period to which the transaction applies based on the fiscal periods set up for the company.

For example, an apply date of 4/19/2024 applies the transaction in the calendar period of April if calendar periods are selected in system set up. With the applicable user permissions assigned, the user can apply transactions to past and future periods. Use the calendar function to navigate and select the correct period and date.

Purchase Order Number

If needed, enter the customer’s purchase order number for reference. The purchase order number may print on the customer's invoice..

Recurring Code

Enter a recurring code to cause the transaction to recur on a given cycle, such as monthly. Recurring transactions are recreated in an unposted state so they can be edited before posting.

SeeΒ Recurring Transactionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Bill To

The bill to address defaults from the customer record. Bill to can be changed on each invoice. Bill to address is printed on the customer’s Invoice.

Ship To

The ship to address defaults from the customer record. The ship to can be changed on each Invoice. The ship to address is printed on the customer’s invoice unless it is toggled off in entity configuration.

Bill on Behalf Of

This option can be turned on in the entity configuration. This allows the invoice to reference another customer or account and can be used when billing a third party.

Invoice Note

This is a user defined reference that can optionally be set to print on the customer invoice.


The customer's default currency will populate along with the appropriate exchange rate. See Gravity Foreign Currency Implementationο»Ώο»Ώ

Default Values

Use the default section to view the customer's default settings as defined in the customer screen. When needed revise the default fields.

Default currency value in Gravity


Indicates the invoice source. This is an optional user's discretion field.Β 


Customer terms default from the customer record. Terms can be changed on each Invoice. Terms codes drive the calculation of the invoice due date, discount date and discount amount. See Terms Codesο»Ώο»Ώ


Customer territory defaults from the customer record.Β  Customer territory can be changed on each Invoice. Customer territory is used in reports and advanced find queries.

Tax Schedule

The sales tax schedule defaults from the customer’s record. Sales tax schedule can be changed on each Invoice. SeeΒ Sales Taxο»Ώ


Customer salesperson defaults from the customer record. Salesperson can be changed on each invoice.

Due Date

Due date is automatically calculated from the combination of invoice date and customer terms. Due date can be changed if needed. Due date can be used to help select checks for payment.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Discount Date

Discount date is automatically calculated from the combination of invoice date and customer terms.Β 

Entry Date

The date the journal entry was created and defaults to the current date.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements.

Use Dimensions in Gravity to define how transactions are categorized

Header dimensions are automatically copied to line items.

Use dimensions if most or all of the line items will have the same dimension codes.

SeeΒ Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ


The Invoice Total Summary feature in Gravity Software is a comprehensive overview of the total amount Invoiced.

Document image

Total Cost, Subtotal, Taxes and Total

These fields are system maintained fields and calculated by Gravity.


If needed, enter a total invoice discount amount. Note that this amount isΒ notΒ the total of any line item discounts.


If needed, add a freight amount to the invoice.

Currency and Exchange Rate

The currency will default from the chosen Customer. It can be changed on each transactions.

The Gravity Exchange Rate is based in the transaction apply date and the Exchange Rate table. The exchange rate can be changed.

Invoice Lines

On the Invoice lines the user can select both Inventory Items or manually entered lines with descriptions, quantities and rates.

Invoice line items in Gravity

Inventory Items

Entering Inventory Items will require the following fields to be completed.

  • Item
  • Line Description
  • Site ID
  • UOM
  • Quantity
  • Rate
  • Revenue Account
  • Cost of Sales Account

Non-Inventory Items

Non-Inventory Items will require the following fields

  • Line Description
  • Quantity
  • Rate
  • Revenue Account

Serial/Lot Indicator

If an item is flagged as serial or lot controlled a red icon is displayed letting the user know that the serial or lot numbers must be filled in.

Serial/Lot Indicator field in Gravity

Clicking on the icon opens a screen allowing selection of the serial or lot numbers associated with the invoice.

Once completed the indicator turns black. The transaction cannot be saved until the serial or lot numbers have been completed.

Inventory Item

Select an item from the inventory item list.Β  Selecting an item retrieves the line item attributes and determines the line pricing.Β 

An item number is not required. Part of an item number or item name can be entered for fast lookup. If needed, use the screen's look up function.

Line Description

A line description defaults from the inventory item selected. If an inventory item number is not entered, enter a description for the line. Use a line item with only a description is to create additional line item comments.

Β Site ID

The inventory site ID defaults from the customer record, it can be changed to select items from another site. See Inventoryο»Ώο»Ώ

Service Date

If needed, a service date for the line item can be entered. Enter a service date or use the calendar function to select a date. The service date will print on the customer’s invoice unless it is toggled off in entity configuration.

SeeΒ Entity Configurationsο»Ώο»Ώ

Unit of Measure

A unit of measure defaults from selecting an inventory item. If no inventory item number is entered, a unit of measure for the line item can be entered.

Quantity Shipped

Enter the quantity shipped.


Selecting an inventory item number determines the rate charged to a customer. The item rate is determined by the Item pricing matrix. The Item rate can be overwritten. If no inventory item is selected, a rate can still be entered for the line item. Β 

Discount & Percent

Use the discount field to enter a discount amount or percentage. The discount amount is calculated from the total line amount. Check the percentage box if the discount is percentage based.

Line Amount

Line amount is system maintained and calculated by Gravity.


The taxable flag determines if the line item is included in the invoice sales tax calculations. The taxable flag defaults from the inventory item number if an item is selected for the line.

The taxable flag can be changed on each line.

SeeΒ Tax Schedulesο»Ώο»Ώ

Account Numbers

The revenue and cost of sales account numbers default from an item if an item is selected for the line. Use the line's lookup to select an account number from the list or pop-up box. Enter part of an account number or account name for fast lookup.


Use dimensions to define how transactions are categorized for unique reporting requirements. Header dimensions are automatically copied to line items.

See Using Dimensionsο»Ώο»Ώ

Subtotal, Taxes and Total

These fields are system maintained fields and calculated by Gravity.


If needed, enter a total invoice discount amount. Note that this amount isΒ notΒ the total of any line item discounts.


If needed, add a freight amount to the invoice.

Related Transactions

The related transactions tab will show how Cash Receipts and Credits have been applied to the Invoice. The first line representing the Invoice will be created once the Invoice has been posted.

Related transactions view in Gravity

Activities and Notes

On Each Invoice documents and activities can be attached for documentation. Use Notes to attach documents.

Activities and notes in Gravity
