Define the default GL accounts to be used when setting up new inventory items. You can change these accounts at any time. These defaults are used to set up Inventory Items. they can be changed on each Item of each Item -Location.
By default Gravity loads the list of inventory items to memory when a form is loaded. This allows for quick inventory lookups. For large inventory lists this may slow down form load times. This feature can be disabled but may result in a slightly slower Item search.
The default value = yes
Turns the ability to create Inventory Items from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM application. Default is No.
Gravity automatically adds new items to the default site listed when the item master is created. It uses the default settings and creates inventory location records automatically. This reduces the amount of effort in setting up new inventory items in the site listed.
New Items created are setup with these defaults for quicker entry. They can be changed before the Item is saved.
Not used at this time.
This flag determines if the inventory quantity on the item's location record is allowed to go negative. When inventory goes negative, Gravity uses the weighted average cost in reports and calculations. If items are flagged as FIFO or LIFO Gravity recreates the missing cost layers and activity to update inventory when the quantity becomes positive.
Set the default cost on a PO to the item's last cost or a preset cost from the vendor cost record. Costs are maintained by vendor, allowing for each vendor have it's unique product costs
When inventory is created from the CRM Product list it will be given this type code.
When set to Yes, Gravity will track Inventory quantities at Bin locations within a single site. Every transaction that requires the movement of physical items will also require the associated bin to be listed.