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Gravity PrintBoss

Gravity PrintBoss

PrintBoss Overview

PrintBoss enables users to conveniently print checks on plain safety paper that perfectly matches their bank information with the Gravity PDF of the check. The finalized check will include the banks MICR line and all the payment details from Gravity. This feature significantly minimizes the need for users to buy additional check stock when dealing with multiple companies.

PrintBoss is installed on the user's computer or network and functions as a printer driver. When printing Gravity checks, the user will select the PrintBoss printer. PrintBoss then reads the Gravity PDF, compares it to the bank information stored in its database, and prints the check.

Steps to installing PrintBoss

The steps to installing PrintBoss with Gravity

  1. Purchase PrintBoss and receive the PrintBoss Authorization code.
  2. Download from Gravity’s team site the PrintBoss templates
  3. On the Bank Account records in Gravity set the MIRC option to Yes
  4. Set the check format in the Entity Configuration to Format 1
  5. Contact PrintBoss support to arrange a time for the installation.

Download the PrintBoss templates

From the Gravity Teams Channel you will download 2 templates used PrintBoss to map to the Gravity check format.

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Set the Bank Accounts to Use MICR Printing

This option is turned on for each bank account that will be using PrintBoss.

When turned on this option will print a header line on the check letting PrintBoss know the Entity, Check Number and Bank Account information.

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Set the check format in the Entity Configuration to Format 1

In the Entity Configuration for each entity set the check format to Format 1

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Contact PrintBoss to setup the installation.

Using the Contact Us form on the PrintBoss website,https://www.printboss.com/contact-printboss), Connect with the support team for PrintBoss installation and setup.

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