Sharing Master Records
Master records in Gravity can be shared completely or selectively with multiple entities. These records include:
- Chart of Accounts
- Customers
- Vendors
- Dimension Values
On these records is a field called "Access Criteria" with the following options:
- All - Shared with all entities
- One - Only available to the one entity where it was created
- Selected Entities - Available to selected entities
- Selected Entity Group - Available to a selected Entity Group

Only those entities selected will have access to this record.
When a record is created it will be connected to the entity in which it was created. This cannot be changed. The record will always be available to this entity.
It is recommended to create a Master entity when managing a significant number of entities. The Master entity should not have financial transactions but will serve as the owner of all master records. This will enable the sharing or unsharing of records with any entity that has financial activity.
Please note that Gravity has implemented safeguards to prevent the occurrence of duplicate IDs, such as a Chart of Account Number or a Vendor ID. However, it is important to be aware that when records are selectively shared with individual entities, there is a possibility of creating duplicate record IDs. This can lead to significant issues with reporting and other functions, and therefore, it is imperative that this is not allowed to happen.