Gravity Copy Environment
There are four steps to coping one environment (database) over another:
- Copy the database
- Remove the Admin Mode on the copied DB
- Update the Gravity License on the copied DB
- Turn on Workflows in the copied environment
- Environments can be configured as either Production or Sandbox. It is not possible to directly duplicate a Production environment. To do so, you must first convert it to a Sandbox environment, duplicate the environment, and then convert it back to Production.
- Gravity license keys are associated with the environment ID. When duplicating to a new environment, it is necessary to update the license key.
Copy an Environment
Using the cloud admin environment (, perform the following steps:
- Select the Source environment
- Select Copy on the Menu
- Set the parameter to Everything
- Select the Target Environment
- Select Copy

Depending on the size on the database it can take 20 -60 minutes to copy. The cloud portal will tall you when the Environment is ready.
Turing Admin Mode Off
Select the environment by clicking on the name. Perform the following
- Select Edit on the menu
- Disable Administrative Mode

Update Gravity License Key
Open the Environment and login to the Gravity Application. You make see an error message that relates to an invalid license.
Select Update License on the menu
Select Financials->System Settings->License Information

Note: If this is a new environment you may need to request a license key from Gravity.
Update Power Automate workflows
Power Automate workflows are also tied to the environment, when they are copied over to a new environment they are turned off and have to be restarter.
Use the cloud portal ( to turn one the workflows
Select the correct environment and the Default Solution

Note: Some workflows are dependent on other workflows to function, you may need to enable the called workflow first. These include the following:
XXXXX Email Template Flow send Email to Gravity Support
Cloud Workflows
Select Cloud Workflows from the list of objects. You will see that the status is off

Edit the Cloud Workflow
Select Each Workflow individually and it will take you to the edit mode. Most workflows will have to be opened and saved to get the updated credentials.
- Select Edit on the workflow
- Open the workflow and expand the steps
- Save the workflow
- Go back to the edit stem and turn the workflow on

Note: When selecting the Turn On for a workflow it can take up to 2 minutes for the flow to turn on.
Edit the Cloud Workflow
Once the workflow is opened, select continue to expand all the steps then hit save and return to the previous screen where you can turn the workflow on.