Currency Exchange Rates
Maintains records of the foreign currency exchange rates and their effective date. This table can be manually created or created from a reporting service. See Gravity Foreign Currency Implementation. FX rates are created once for all Entities.
Gravity uses the Open Exchange Rates organization ( to supply the FX Rates. To set up automatic exchange rate updates, select the Master Entity and define the following:
Set the Following option:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Manual - at manually add the exchange rates.
Use the ID "d371ead4f02e4e1c927b18a14cadf618"
Set the date of the next update.
Enter a name for the record. We recommend a name that includes both currencies for easy identification such as "CAD to EUR"
Enter the date that the FX rate becomes effective. When entering a transaction the Apply Date used will be matched with the Effective Date to apply the FX rate.
List the from Currency
List the to currency
Enter the FX Rate.